Returns an instance PfftTableF suitable for computing discrete fourier
transforms on input sequences of length n (I will also use the name n
to refer to the length of the input sequence in the function descriptions below).
If null is passed as mem, the function will
alocate the needed memory. In this case you should call pfft_table_free_f on
the returned instance of PfftTableF when you are done with it. If a value
different from null is passed as mem, the function does not allocate and
uses memory at mem instead. In this case there should be at least
pfft_table_size_bytes_f bytes of memory available at mem and it should be
properly aligned. To find out what the proper alignment is, use pfft_alignment_f.
Returns an instance PfftTableF suitable for computing discrete fourier transforms on input sequences of length n (I will also use the name n to refer to the length of the input sequence in the function descriptions below). If null is passed as mem, the function will alocate the needed memory. In this case you should call pfft_table_free_f on the returned instance of PfftTableF when you are done with it. If a value different from null is passed as mem, the function does not allocate and uses memory at mem instead. In this case there should be at least pfft_table_size_bytes_f bytes of memory available at mem and it should be properly aligned. To find out what the proper alignment is, use pfft_alignment_f.